Scroll through the baby pram covers online at Baby Bunting to find the right weather covering to fit your strollers and prams. Rain covers will keep your baby as well as the interiors of the stroller dry and protected from the rain, while the sun shades from Baby Bunting are designed to keep your baby's sensitive skin from being sunburned by UV rays.
These protective weather covers and UV nets also help to beat strong winds and stormy conditions. As an additional benefit, baby pram covers can also provide a dark and cosy environment to trick your baby into a little shuteye, even while you are on the move.
Any parent knows how unpredictable the weather can be. Nothing is worse than being out and about on a lovely sunny day, when a sudden burst of rain comes along and leaves you running for cover. You simply can’t get a covering blanket out fast enough. All you want to do is shield your baby from the rain, but with the wind and the rain it suddenly becomes impossible. In much the same way, the bright summer sun often gets very annoying for your baby, especially when there is no shade or trees about. With the big focus on remaining fit, mums and dads are quick to take the jogger and to whizz off to the park, completely unaware that the weather might change in a flash.
Baby Bunting, your online baby store, knows exactly how frustrating it could be for you and your baby. The solution is just a click away. Our range of sun and rain covers will be perfect for your pram or infant carrier. Our wide selection caters for most notable baby brands, including Bugaboo, Mountain Buggy, Joolz, and more. The variety of rain covers and breezy sun canopies that we have available will make you weather ready for any type of outing you might have planned. Whether jogging, shopping or just strolling about, you can load Junior in the pram and head out.
We even have a lovely snooze cover for when your little one dozes off, a speciality mosquito net cover for day trips, and a durable storm cover for the more adventurous expedition. And if your pram needs a bit more bling, check out the fun gold glitter stroller cover clips. Either way, you will have no more excuses not to be outside.
Baby Bunting is the place where you need to be. We have a wide range of affordable baby items on offer online. We have Afterpay available as a payment option, which means that you buy now and only pay later. We also offer countrywide delivery with every purchase you make.