This Double Stroller Will Change The Way You Travel

This Double Stroller Will Change The Way You Travel

What is a double stroller?

A double stroller is specially-built to accommodate two tots. A stroller per child is rarely practical, and a double allows you to store all their on-the-go needs together while one parent on their own can push both little ones. Most double strollers offer side-by-side or tandem configurations and often allow for age gaps of a few years between each rider.

What’s the difference between side-by-side and tandem strollers?

Side-by-side mode seats both your cruisers next to one another, and tandem mode seats one in front of the other. Many double strollers allow you to configure each seat in parent- or world-facing mode, so your tots can face you, face the world, or – in tandem mode – face each other or face away from each other.

How do I know if I should get a double stroller?

A double stroller is a great investment if you’re having twins or you plan to have a second child. Most doubles come as a single variation with optional second seats, so you won’t be pushing around a double stroller with one empty seat for those years before your second baby arrives.

What features should I look for in a double stroller? 

Easy manoeuvering
Features like swivel wheels and suspension can help you push your stroller with ease. 

Sized for most doors

A good double stroller will fit through standard doors!

Easy configuration

You may switch up your seat configurations daily. If your tots need a break from each other, you could face them away from each other, or if you’re heading somewhere scenic, you could make sure they’re both sitting to face the view. Look for doubles with simple seat configuration.

Lie-flat bassinet option

While at least one of your passengers is a newborn, a lie-flat bassinet is useful until they are strong enough to sit more upright.

Puncture-proof wheels

With double the load, you’ll appreciate sturdy tyres that aren’t likely to pop any time soon. 

The Jengo Strand travel system 

With a bassinet included, the Jengo Strand Stroller is ready to go from day one! You can start in single mode or grab the additional second seat to convert to a tandem stroller when you’re ready. Newborns can travel in lie-flat luxury in bassinet mode while the seat unit switches between parent- and world-facing mode. Multiple configurations for both reversible seats allow you to seat your tots however necessary, in tandem mode. 

With puncture-proof wheels, a large 3-section sun canopy, swivel wheels and an adjustable telescopic handle, the Strand can keep you strolling through more places all year round. Plus, it includes a multi-pocket parent organiser and a cup holder to help keep your hands free and your essentials within arm’s reach, and universal capsule adapters to suit leading brands Nuna, Joie and Maxi-Cosi.

Got two on the way, or planning to add a second baby to the family? The Jengo Strand Pram and Bassinet has you covered from the day you bring baby home, through the years of adventures with two in tow. Check out more great features of this stroller – only at Baby Bunting.

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